Loved by Clients. Awarded by the World.

A wise person once said, "Creative agencies desire awards. Clients desire results." As one of Pune's leading creative agencies, we strive to bridge these ends. Seagull believes in creating ideas that transform the brand category and make your brand timeless.

And the way we do this is with 'Ideas that Soar' – every idea is filtered through a sieve of sharp insights and deep consumer understanding. Some of our ideas have won at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Goafest, IAA Olive Crown Awards, and Entrepreneur India Awards.

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6 Most Effective Ways to Increase Brand Awareness

Whether you have a business or run a service company, a brand name attached to the company acts as the primary identity. People and your customers know your products or service offerings through the name of your brand. They rely on the brand image to buy anything or engage in business. The ultimate power of retaining the existing customers and gaining new ones lies in the perception of your brand. Making people aware of your brand’s existence is the key gamechanger to strengthen your position in the business and competition.

What is Brand Awareness


Many get confused between the concept of brand marketing and awareness. The way you create awareness for your brand name is through the marketing and advertising process. The ultimate outcome which you achieve through the process is awareness. Irrespective of the product you offer, people first identify them as a brand and then as a commodity. Thus, generating an impactful brand awareness makes the key difference in gaining more customers.

Significance of Creating Brand Awareness

Now that you know what brand awareness is, you can easily distinguish the blurred lines between marketing and awareness. But how do you think it impacts your business or service? A solid trust in the brand by a majority of people stimulates revenue earning and opens room for better business opportunities.

  • A trusted brand can easily switch between products and launch newer ones without fearing audience perception. The attached goodwill of the brand through the awareness you have created attracts people towards buying a newly-launched item without even reviewing the specifications.
  • With a better brand image in the market, you gain authority over the online and offline audience. The affinity of buying products from a trusted brand is very much present across every part of the world. Thus, as a brand, you should always look for effective ways to increase brand awareness across all platforms.

Ways to Create Brand Awareness

Many brands try the conventional ways of advertising to impact the brand image. That can be the initial way to attract the audience’s attention, but it does not make a long-lasting impact. After you have successfully made people recognize your brand’s name, it is time to think about how to increase brand awareness. Following are some of the key ways to boost your brand identity and influence more people.

1. Create a Digital Base

The internet is currently the most powerful tool to increase brand awareness. Your official website can be your primary identity tool with the online audience, but the brand also makes a key impact. Promoting the website with digital marketing strategies makes your brand more prominent.

Utilize digital marketing and other effective brand-building strategies to help your cause. With a systematic strategy for better online marketing, your brand also gets due recognition through which more people can connect better.

2. Utilize Social Media Correctly



Social media platforms have a huge audience base, which the brands can utilize for gaining digital prominence. With the right promotions and content, you can easily engage the huge online crowd and spread awareness about your brand.

For example, brands worldwide are coming up with innovative hashtags and social media tools to influence the audience. With so many influencers on various platforms, organize a contest or awareness campaign for the brand with a suitable hashtag. This way, more people will connect directly with the brand for the interesting ideas of the campaigns through social media platforms.

3. Focus on Relevance

Advertising the brand name is among the best ways to increase brand awareness. It brings relevance to your brand, and people can connect at a better level. For example, utilizing blogs, email marketing, and other such direct marketing ways can amplify your brand’s reach. The idea is to spread the vision and mission of the brand through marketing methods.

Sometimes, partnering your brand name with a good social cause can also bring attention to the brand. It creates an overall positive perception of the brand among people.

4. Content Is the King!



Content is the pillar of any brand marketing strategy. Whether the promotional content is textual or media-based, the idea and presentation make the key difference. As a brand, first, you have to identify the target audience that can generate interest in your brand and offerings. Based on the behavioral analysis and preferences of the target audience, you have to shape your innovative content.

The right blend of unique ideas which can resonate with the image and motive of the brand makes the best kind of impact and awareness. Research what your peers are up to with their awareness content and take some keynotes from it.


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5. SEO – Making the Winning Strategy

With the assistance of the best branding and advertising agency, you get SEO strategies that work in favor of creating brand awareness. The professionals in the business focus on both online and offline methods of brand building. Among the online strategies implemented by them, SEO brings lasting and comprehensive success. It concurrently generates revenue-earning opportunities and attention to your brand.

With more traffic on the site, your brand gets more recognition. People get interested in your offerings and products, which eventually brings a positive awareness.

6. Creativity and Awareness With Professionalism

Your brand can make the right impact with the audience with the professional minds in the business. Add value to the brand by taking the right steps. The brand experts at Seagull Advertising blend the unique features of your brand with their innovative advertising content. The comprehensive ways of marketing the best qualities of the brand and attaching value to it bring long-term success. With such professional minds, you get-

  • Ideas for brand design and launch
  • Brand advertising campaign and management
  • Maximize ROI through online brand marketing
  • Social media strategies for brands

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The Right Choice for the Right Impact

The right choice of brand strategies and professional assistance makes the most impact. With the best branding agencies who have years of experience, you get access to a plethora of ideas and strategies that can work. Implement those branding plans that resonate with your key business concept and see the prolific impact. Utilize online and offline means of marketing to create awareness among your customers and audience.

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