Loved by Clients. Awarded by the World.

A wise person once said, "Creative agencies desire awards. Clients desire results." As one of Pune's leading creative agencies, we strive to bridge these ends. Seagull believes in creating ideas that transform the brand category and make your brand timeless.

And the way we do this is with 'Ideas that Soar' – every idea is filtered through a sieve of sharp insights and deep consumer understanding. Some of our ideas have won at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Goafest, IAA Olive Crown Awards, and Entrepreneur India Awards.

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How Important is Creativity in Advertising?

Since the inception of consumerism and commercialism, advertising and branding have been very important elements that not only help to define the brand, its products, services, values but also create a bridge between the brands and their buyers. This is rather important for both the buyers and the sellers. In more ways than one, it can be said that advertising happens to be the main fuel that has kept the wheels of global markets functional.

Dynamic Domain

Marketing, branding, promotions, advertising – whatever way you might choose to portray them, all of them happens to indicate at a similar set of activities and idea. Advertisement since the beginning of trade and industry has supported the phenomenon of business. From the very beginning, it has been one of the most dynamic domains that have witnessed several changes, developments and alterations.

New techniques and trends have thronged this domain like no other. In the present times, the focus has been shifted from the traditional channels of advertising to that of digital ones. However, amidst all these changes, one thing has remained constant in this field is the requirement of creativity.

What is Creativity?



The previous segment of the discussion has harped on the importance of creativity in the domain of advertising. This has brought about the question ‘what is creativity?’ When we talk about creativity it naturally means a way of expressing things, opinions and ideas that has a novelty and an aesthetic approach to itself. It is a style of saying the same old thing in a new manner.

Creativity is related to the aspects of artistry, innovation, intellect, aesthetics ad so much more. The main idea is to nudge the mind or the consciousness of the audience.

Why Creativity in Advertising is Important



Even the most novice or inexperienced people will agree to the fact that creativity plays a huge role in the context of advertising. It is the element of creativity that helps to make some of the most catchy and expressive advertisement and promotional content of all time. So when thinking that what is creative advertising all about – consider the points or the points which made you notice promotional content in recent times.

It could be anything – the way the message has been put across, the influencer who has been used for the promotional content, the message that has been conveyed – almost anything or probably a bit of it all. This is what creative advertising is all about – the ability to trigger off interest amongst the audience.

Competition is High

Owing to the proven mechanism of the commercial market most of the current or contemporary brands are investing in marketing plans and endeavours. It is one of the best ways through which the brands can educate their prospectus buyers and can attract them for active conversion. This is one of the simple mantras of how business is maximized in all times.

Owing to this simple fact all commercial brands have participated in this rat race of better quality promotional acts which quintessentially proves the importance of creativity in advertising. Since the volume of players in the domain is quite high, the element of competition is quite acute. In such a situation the only way of making a mark is to stand out amidst the crowd.

Capturing Viewer Attention is Imperative



A viewer watches hundreds of such advertisements and promotional content in a dat. Often the volume reaches such limits that they are no longer aware of the brand or their products that they are looking at discerning one from the other becomes difficult. With time the viewers also loose interest and stop paying any attention to the content or the message in them. In such a situation the brand and the branding agency has to arrest the attention or the interest of the viewer. This is one of the major steps that can lead to active and success conversion. To make this happen a catchy and creative promotional content is required.


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New Techniques Coming Up

When we talk about creativity it just does limit itself to the way the content has been designed or the way the message is being delivered. The medium of the promotion also makes a great difference. In the current times, technology has made a huge contribution in the domain of advertising and marketing. Digital marketing side by side with traditional marketing has become just as important.

Several companies across the world irrespective of their scale or industry are taking up this medium of branding. Hence the modern age advertising agencies like Seagull Advertising Pune are bestowing as much importance to digital marketing as they are doing for the traditional marketing gimmicks.

Visuals and interactive content have become very important for branding and advertisement in the present times. They are imperative not only to arrest the attention of the viewers but at the same time, they also help the viewers to get more involved with the brand in concern. Some of the most creative advertisements have made use of both these aspects. Videos, interactive blogs, continued parts of advertisements developed on the basis of market research and attained customer feedback can be regarded as examples of creative advertisements. They help a brand to connect better with its target market segment.

Select your Brand with Care

Now that the significance of a creative advertisement has been established it is important that the commercial brands must look for the most suitable creative advertising agency in Pune. Before you hire the agency for your company take a good look at their previous work and the brands for which they have worked in the past. Go through their corporate website and try to find out everything about the company like the number of years it has been active, its past accolades, milestones etc.

All of this will help you to understand more and better about its profile. Try to find out about two or more such companies so that you can have options in your hand before making the final selection.

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