Things I Wish I Had Known In Real Estate SEO Marketing
Posted: March 16, 2020 | Author: Seagull Advertising

Real Estate and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), in their respective selves, expand over vast measures within their own fields. Since their inception(s), they have gone on-to significantly intensify and grow & expand whenever and wherever they possibly could.
Today, because of the (vast) domain of Digital Marketing, they’re closely linked with another; as is the case with just about any field that has entered this space.
An SEO plan – to execute & implement – might appear easy to some, but that is seldom the case. As discussed earlier, SEO is a tremendously huge field that requires a lot more than catering to only a few objectives.
Because of the significant volume of searches today, Google and several other search engines have – quite brutally – re-designed their whole process (and still continue to) of everything related to SEO that finally leads to better page/website ranking.
Hence, there are quite a few prerequisites to take into consideration when a Real Estate Agency dives (deep and deeper) in-to SEO. Going are the times when one has to ask themselves, “How to do SEO for a real estate website?”
Today, we’re going to offer you 6 SEO HACKS that you as a Real Estate Agency (or anyone else connected with the field) can use to ace the game of SEO; they are as follows –
1) The Importance of Technical SEO
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Technical SEO is all about optimising a website in order to relinquish the requirements set by search engines when it comes to the ranking of websites.
There are quite a few prerequisites that a website master would have to take care of when it comes to adhering to the rules of technical SEO. Some of them are as follows –
A) Fill your website’s pages with content. This means that each page should contain around 500 words at minimum. This allows search engines to know that the page is information worthy and will then rank the page, and, in-turn the website accordingly.
B) Put ALT TEXT wherever you can. This is especially the case when it comes to images, videos and other forms of media. Search engines need to know what each content is all about; if not, they would simply count them as redundant and will automatically cause your page/websites ranking to fall or falter.
C) Make your overall content valuable. Remember this GOLDEN RULE at all times – by the end of each day – your content is going to be seen by humans and judged by humans. If it does not provide value to people, then nobody is going to come to the website, and search engines keep a big eye out for this. If people do not find value in your content and bounce back immediately – it gives out a signal to the search engines that your content is bogus and invaluable and the rankings will reflect the case.
Related Post – Technical SEO: An Easy to Understand Guide for 2020
2) Focus on Content & Content Marketing
There is no better way of saying this but this – focus as much as you can on creating such kind of valuable content that is not only valuable but also life-changing in some way to people. This means that one has to know that creating content is basically the life-line for any business that wants to do well (and better) in the digital world.
Content should always be crafted and created in a way that appeals to the audience that the particular business is trying to serve. Creating valuable content is not only about satisfying one’s own desire or satiating one’s own outlook on what would be of appeal to the people but, is a way of doing it in a way that has been absorbed and transpired through a thorough understanding of what the audience actually needs.
Truly understand your audience and you will know what they really require and need.
3) Internal and External Linking
Linking is a strategic and long-term process that would help a website to create a stronger reputation for search engines. This is one of the biggest factors when it comes to consistently being able to rank higher-up in the listings of search engines.
To bring out the best possible results of this process, link building must be divided into the following 2 paths –
A) Internal Linking – This involves linking to pages within your website itself. When one is doing this – they should be mindful that it is being done in a sort-of minimalistic way because overdoing it would most definitely cause the creation of a red flag. And, this would mean that search engines have picked up on it and that there is a certain level of malpractice going-on.
Creating a stable, sensible and strong internal web of links gives a website a much better structure and gives a much better impression to search engines. They will see it as a stronger foundation that has been laying its own floors in a consistent and fruitful manner.
B) External Linking – Also known as BackLinking – this involves going above and beyond with only linking within your internal website. Compared to its internal counterpart, external link building is quite a bit more strategic and can (mostly) only be done over a longer span of time.
External linking is the process of linking to other websites across the internet. And, the better the websites where your links appear, the better it would be for you and your website. Search engines see this as an extremely strong point when it comes to the judgment of a website and its quality. And, why? Because – why would a good (perhaps even better) website link or showcase your content on their website if it is not of good quality? Therefore – quite literally – the question answers itself; and, one must focus on getting their content on other websites to be able to eventually rank higher-up in the listings of search engines.
4) Client/Customer Reviews
Even outside of the digital world, what is a better way of knowing (for anyone) that yours is a good business that provides value to the people it looks to serve? According to us, the best and most sacred form of advertising and marketing remains to be word-of-mouth. Nothing can trump that aspect of getting the worth of your business or anything else that you could do out there to the people in a most organic and realistic way than it.
Now, coming back to the digital world and applying the word-of-mouth logic to it, what can be better than your customers or anyone else related with your business – giving real reviews based on their personal experiences with you. That’s right! Nothing.
There are a lot of people on the internet looking for information about products and services and a lot of them blatantly check reviews of others before making any kind of connection with a business that they would have otherwise been unaware of. Reviews from people create a sense of trust that just cannot otherwise be generated by itself. No matter how hard a business tries to advertise or market itself, at the end of the day – if it doesn’t have good reviews from the people who it looks to cater to – no good will ever come out of it. All the energy, time and money would be a waste if it is not genuinely satisfying its customers.
Businesses should take this point a lot more seriously because search engines take it way too seriously too.
5) Better Keyword Analysing, Organising, Packaging, Planning, etc.
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Keywords are basically user queries or words that people search for on Google or other search engines. They form the dots that would go on to connect people with the various types and numbers of businesses found online. Hence, without the proper and strategic use of it – no business in the digital world could actually survive, let alone prosper and thrive.
This is a big reason why there is almost always a dedicated group of people or an entire department to cater to the entire philosophy and execution of keywords. Some even call it the heart and soul of a business (online). Because without the proper use of these keywords, no one will ever be able to find you on the internet; no matter how good your business is.
Creating a sound plan for getting more people to your website is vital for any business that showcases itself, its products and services online. Most search engines have made it a lot easier for businesses to understand and implement their plans when it comes to using keywords. Google has a whole division and a variety of tools that one could use in order to step up their game.
Even when it comes to paid advertising and marketing, there is a great demand for using the right keywords, or, the quality of the ad would not be good enough for it to rank better.
Related Post – The Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Guide to Real Estate Marketing for 2020
6) Mobile-Friendly Everything
A lot more than half of the people who will ever look for anything online use their cellular or mobile devices. This point used to slip-out from the minds of a lot of people back in the day, however, today – it is more than extremely important that one optimises their online identity for mobile devices.
If this is not done religiously, you will directly lose out on more than half of all of those people who would’ve otherwise found your business and may have even turned in-to paying customers. Also, one of the other crucial parts to register and forever understand is that search engines would know that your online business i.e. your website is not friendly for mobile and would directly cut-short the drive of traffic that you could have got if you fulfilled this requisite.
Website masters must always pay close attention to this and realise that traffic from cellular and mobile devices i.e. people searching for businesses, products and services is a lot more abundant through this source. Hence, websites must always be optimised for mobile devices – no matter the case.
To conclude
SEO is an integral part and parcel of any business that wishes to thrive and make full use of their capacity in the online world. It should never be taken lightly, but at the same time, it should be done in full consciousness and measure.
For Real Estate Agencies, this point cannot be stressed enough. Because a lot of businesses are online and making use of the abundant conduits of technology made available. Hence, every agency should strive to always do better in order to reap better.
Every business has something good to offer, and, when it comes down to it – they should do the very best they can to let themselves out to the huge world outside – and form a prosperous community of real people who like to not only buy things but also become a contributing part of the very community.
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