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A wise person once said, "Creative agencies desire awards. Clients desire results." As one of Pune's leading creative agencies, we strive to bridge these ends. Seagull believes in creating ideas that transform the brand category and make your brand timeless.

And the way we do this is with 'Ideas that Soar' – every idea is filtered through a sieve of sharp insights and deep consumer understanding. Some of our ideas have won at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Goafest, IAA Olive Crown Awards, and Entrepreneur India Awards.

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How to Launch Your Brand During the Lockdown

The Novel CoronaVirus has surely changed a lot of things in the current times. Apart from affecting social dynamism and popular human behavior patterns it has also affected business in a big way. The several restrictions levied by National governments across the world to arrest the spread of this pandemic have surely casted a strong influence on the daily conduct and flourish of commercialism and trade.

Many in 2020 have actually pointed out that this is probably one of the lowest points for commercial business. This is a fact which stands more than corroborated for certain industries. Commercial domains like hospitality, non-food retail and travelling have borne the worst burn ever.

However can it be said that the era of a pandemic will surely bring economic decline worldwide? With the right marketing strategy during covid-19 the worst effects of the pandemic can surely be contained.

Current Pandemic Situation

Without a doubt, it can be said that the current situation across the world is more than grim. With the onset of the second wave of covid-19, India is currently battling with numbers of fresh cases of infection.

To bring the current situation under control the national leaders have voted for the lockdown to different extents in different parts of the country. This has definitely created an adverse impact on the general economic activity of the nation.

The general flow of life has also been considerably affected by the phenomena of lockdown. With offices, schools, colleges, shopping malls, multiplexes, cinema theatres and other public places being closed down the modern population is forced to stay enclosed within the walls of their homes.

The online platforms and the virtual stores have gained immense importance where business globally has gone online without a doubt.

How Has Lockdown Affected

The pandemic and the resulting lockdown have affected the world and its people both socially as well as economically. On the social basis people have become isolated or have distanced themselves from their social connections and have become more family oriented. In some places where this phenomena has helped to strengthen family ties in other contexts it has also made people lonely and increasingly driven towards depression.

Economically the situation is once again not really very rosy. This is all the truer for non essential services which lingers in the territories of travel, vacation, high end leisure goods. Some industries and their workforces have been majorly hit that has dilapidated their financial conditions considerably. Small, medium or big brands that are unable to adapt to the current changing situation are facing a prominent decline.

In the current time what matters is how brands are connecting with customers in lockdown. Those who can adapt to reach out to the door steps of their customers instead of them having to come down to their shops and offices are fast flourishing even in the current testing times.

How Do You Still do Business in this Condition?

It is almost correct to say that the economy has experienced a complete stand still in the current time. True, business has definitely witnessed a slowing down and some has been closed down completely. However this does not mean that the world is experiencing an economic stagnation as a whole and no new brand launch during covid has been witnessed. The good news for the business fraternity is that even now when the world is facing various degrees of lockdown in different parts you can still do business and trade. However the catch here is that since your patrons and buyers are able to reach out to you and come down to your point of selling you need to make your products and services available at their doorstep. This is the basic mantra of continuing your business even in the present times of pandemic and its resultant lockdown.

How Can You Launch a Brand?

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Commercially, launching a brand requires a proper strategy. This is true in all times and the present time of the pandemic is no different. Human requirements and needs have undergone a huge change. Contrary to the previous time when people wished to go through the entire market physically looking for the best suited product for their needs, now staying within the safety of their houses have become more important.

All across the world people are stepping out of their houses only when it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, buyers in the market generally prefer to buy online and get delivery of products at their doorstep. This is the basic point which a commercial enterprise needs to understand. Only then can you launch a brand during the pandemic.

If you wish to make your new brand successful with the buyers in the market it must satiate their current need. One of these needs is to remain within the safety of their homes and get the product or the service right at the doorsteps, against the payment of the product and service charges.


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Most people are experiencing a lot of depression, frustration and anxiety due to social isolation. The feeling of getting lonely is catching up with people of every age and often they start feeling rather miserable about their condition. In such a situation the experts of the leading branding company in India are fabricating a branding on marketing strategy where they are providing an assurance to their customers that no matter what the condition is the brand will always be by the side of its patrons. Assurance of companionship, commercial support and trust is helping to create a philanthropic and dependable image of the brand. This helps to strengthen their relationship with their clientele.

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