Best HR Processes and Practices To Follow
Posted: July 3, 2020 | Author: Seagull Advertising

Human resource earlier used to be a service organisation, but now, it’s strategic. It can use data analytics to ask and answer vital questions about the future of that organisation — outsourcing, cost management, succession planning, performance management, and more.
While an HR knows where the business is directing, it can serve as an asset while recruiting and training its employees. Anticipating future growths, the HR can start investing in its employees beforehand to get a fruitful outcome from them.
Recruitment is a crucial responsibility of the HR department. While HR works in many areas including employee engagement, employee development, statutory compliance, data management and many others, one of the critical areas of focus for HR is to attract, select and onboard suitable candidates for the organisation. While doing this, one has to hire for attitude and train for skills. You don’t hire for skill; you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills.
Effective Inductions Program:
The main purpose of an induction training is to integrate new employees into the company, inspire new starters, set out an organisation’s mission and vision for them, and educate them about the company’s history, culture and values and make them understand the systems and procedures followed by the organisation. Induction training helps new employees settle down quickly in the new work environment, and gives them a sense of belongingness.
Organisation Structure:
The structure of a team should be such that people can depend on one another and encourage one another to do better. After all, a person can accomplish anything once they realise they are a part of something bigger. So for me, the definition of a team culture that is strong satisfies three criteria:
- It must enhance team performance and productivity.
- It should help in making communication effective and effortless.
- A good sense of team community would bring about a feeling of shared goals and visions.
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Performance Management
Source: Techfunnel Website
Performance management is a key to successfully growing and scaling your company. It is all about making sure your employees are happy, engaged and working towards your collective company goals. It helps in setting goals and explaining your team what excellent performance is. It develops accountable people, managers who lead, organisational transparency and helps to give credit where it’s due.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their well-being.
HR Professional should:
Source: Hrpayrollsystems Website
Be an Inspiration: you are perceived as a designated leader by most of your organisation’s staff, and it’s not somehow farther from the truth. You are one who induces energy, motivation, training and other emotional and moral necessities in them so be one for yourself first.
Be more outside than inside: HR is usually perceived as a principle, and people would give second thoughts before coming up to you. If you’ll go outside your office and make your presence in other departments of your office, you’ll be able to acquire more first -hand information about the whereabouts and other affairs.
Have a vision: set a goal for yourself and why you want it, something preferably not given to you by your organisation. This way, you’d work more constructively to achieve your personal desires and provide a good outcome to your company simultaneously.