A wise person once said, "Creative agencies desire awards. Clients desire results." As one of Pune's leading creative agencies, we strive to bridge these ends. Seagull believes in creating ideas that transform the brand category and make your brand timeless.
And the way we do this is with 'Ideas that Soar' – every idea is filtered through a sieve of sharp insights and deep consumer understanding. Some of our ideas have won at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Goafest, IAA Olive Crown Awards, and Entrepreneur India Awards.
Mantra Properties wanted to launch and promote multiple projects in Pune West, and wanted to be seen as an established and credible name in real estate.
Thorough study of the brand’s challenges, target audience, in-depth customer profiles, and competitor analysis.
End-to-end brand strategy beginning with in-depth research, leading to key insights.
To build brand salience across multiple projects, Priyanka Chopra was chosen as the brand’s ambassador. This not only gave the brand immediate visibility but also helped establish credibility, drive footfalls and accelerate sales.